
I am an Architect by title and engineer at core, who likes to research into new stuff, figure things out . On this site, I would share my findings, research into technologies/frameworks, sample-projects & prototypes, presentations.


Feature Toggling With FF4J


Here an abstract of the presentation that covers
  • Feature toggling concepts & background
  • Feature toggling use cases
  • How FF4J (Feature Flipping For Java) implements use cases
  • The code for reference project(s) is here

FF4J Video Recording


Here are the slides used in the above video.

Bring Spring Home(Via extensibility and customization)



Here an abstract of the presentation from the SpringOne 2020 session "Alexa and SpringBoot "
In this session, I’ll demonstrate Spring’s extensibility and customization capabilities that can help organizations create custom reusable starter modules (your secret sauce to scaffold commonly used business functionality and libraries) and create custom and common developer experience to consume the same (custom initializr to standardize the use across the various business units and developers ). There are many more aspects that can be customized, extended, but in this session specifically, I will demonstrate:
  1. Creating a custom starter: alexa-spring-boot-starter (v1-speechlet-sdk and v2-ask-sdk)
  2. Creating the second best place on your “intranet” (initializr)
  3. Making the starter in #1 available via initializer
  4. Live coding and creatking simple Alexa skill from #3 and publishing (in under 10 min)
  5. Demo “Account Linking” and how it’s made easy with Spring Security (via Alexa customer order tracking skill)
Source Code: Here is the Github link for source code, used in the session above here

Alexa and SpringBoot Video Recording

Below is the video recording of the S1P 2020 session


Here are the slides used in the above video.

Quantum Computing using Strange (Java QC API)


Here is an abstract of the presentation that covers

Quantum Computing (QC) is computing based on the laws of Quantum Mechanics (QM), thus often said to be close to how nature works. QC creates new possibilities that classical computers cannot due to resource constraints, computation, and time complexities. While perfect, fault-tolerant hardware—easily scalable and abstracted at all levels—is far from reality, there are, however, small-scale quantum computers in labs that are made accessible to anyone for free, via the cloud. Plus, there are many simulators available. While the hardware is evolving, software can also evolve parallel using these tools. Additionally, there are software development kits (SDKs) available in various languages, so you can explore the near-term possibilities using lab computers (via the cloud) or simulators. For example, one such API in Java that's perfect for Java developers to experiment with is “Strange” (by Johan Vos). This session covers the big picture, details, use cases, and algorithms, followed by an overview of Strange,

Video Recording

Here is the video recording of the session "Quantum Computing and Strange Java API" at S1P 2021 Video Recording


Here are the slides used in the above video.


My Project-1

